Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back to Blogging

O.K. I have been gone awhile. I have had a very frustrating last month or so with the computer set up at my house. I got a new Macbook and couldn't use it for internet stuff for awhile. Patience is not my strongest character trait. But, I am developing it. Along with so many other things that I am lacking.
The orignal purpose of this blog was not necessarily to post updates on my kids and life, although they are such a big part of me that those updates are inevitable. The original purpose was to have a place to share my thoughts and struggles on being a grateful disciple. Because you see, that is what I am. I am so thankful to have the Lord in my life, waking up with me everyday, never letting me down, loving me right where I am at for exactly who I am. He is ever so patient with the things that I cling to in order to make life easier and less messy. He is hopeful that I will change even when I am not. He is the place that I come to at the end of the day to recline, cry, complain, celebrate and plan. His energy for me is endless and I am just starting to understand that His love for me is too. What a liberating thing for me.
So, hopefully with a new computer that I love to have any excuse to use, I will be better. Because there are some things that I really want you to know about me and my journey. I want you to know that you are not alone in your Mommyhood, or wifehood, or womanhood. Life can be very isolating can't it? Let's connect.