Wednesday, November 5, 2008

All Right Here

Sara Groves is my favorite singer/songwriter of all time. Her lyrics always go right to my soul. When I started my blog the other night the first name that I tried was "All Right Here", which is the name of a favorite song of mine. Alas the name was already taken. But the song itself still represents my blogging philosophy and so I wanted to share the lyrics.

It's every loss and every love
It's every blessing from above
Here I am all added up
It's all right here
It's what I know and what I'm guessing
It's half truths and full confessions
It's why I choose to learn my lessons
It's all right here
It's caution and curiosity
It's all the things I never see
Welling up inside of me
It's all right here
It's what is best and what is worst
It's how I see the universe
It's in every line and every verse
It's all right here.
Every heart has so much history, it's my favorite place to start
Sit down awhile and share your narrative with me
I'm not afraid of who you are.
I'm all here and you're all there, some of it is unique and some of it we share
Let's add it up and start from there
It's all right here.

So, hopefully this blog will represent my narrative that I can keep a record of and somewhere along the line you will share your narrative with me. Either through comments or by starting a blog of your own that I can read!


  1. Sorry about the earlier comment removed - I typed you out a cute one (before you had a post, but just wanted to encourage you!) and it didn't work. So then I tried another - and it just put Hi and tested it, and it worked. Then I was like, well, I can't leave her just hi - so I removed it and planned to leave you a different one. I didn't know it would still leave you with a 1 in your comment section.

    Anyway, long story short, here's the real one.

    I am so loving your background and having you as a blog friend now! It's about time:) hee hee. Just kidding totally. Lucky for me I get a lot of your "posts" over workouts and coffee...but now I have another Leah venue.

    You will have lots to share with us and I love your transparency (it's all right there.)

  2. Hi Leah. Thanks for sending me a link to your blog. I love the background coloring you picked. I think I really am the last person without a blog. I look forward to following your blog, especially since I don't get to talk to you as much now that I don't see you all the time at Bear Hugs.
