Sunday, December 21, 2008

Scroll down for photos!

I added my photos before my text and couldn't figure out how to go back and add text to my photos! Anyway, if you are not from the Pacific Northwest and you are reading this (Hey Sher!) we got a little snow this week. More than a foot in our yard although the news will try to tell you it was only 9 inches. We missed the entire week of school last week, which was fun but totally robbed me of the Christmas Break Anticipation that I love so much. Friday night didn't have that same relief and giddiness that usually marks the beginning of two weeks of sleeping in. The snow has been so fun though and we did not take it for granted. There was much oohing and aahing and playing until the fingers froze. Having the truck has meant we aren't quite so homebound which has been nice. So overall a good experience. Until this morning. Yesterday Jarv and I commented to each other that we should probably knock some of the snow off of our backyard canopy. Being laden down with hot chocolate and Christmas goodies however, we did not make it outside to perform this action and now we are paying for it. We woke up and our little canopy couldn't stand up against the quarter inch of ice that built up on it last night. Our glass patio table was spared luckily! We almost made it out unaffected, but it was not to be. Now we are hoping for warmer weather for our little bit of holiday traveling and for Jarv's drive to work in the morning. Hope this finds you all cozy and warm!


  1. Oh dear! Drats! That IS rotten. I check your blog almost every other day so that I can catch up on your life. Keep em coming. I love to feel like I am in your presence. Love you, friend. Merry Christmas!

  2. Eek Leah. So glad we got to see you for a wee bit last night. Especially since church got cancelled - I will save your homemade granola for a special delivery next week.

    We have GOT to hit the gym hard soon girl. Man I dare not get on that scale. Cookies, chocolate, hot cocoa...OH MY!

  3. Bummer. I am actually tired of the snow. I never thought I would say that, but our big xmas surprise for the boys may not happen if we can't get there to pick her up! The van just isn't a snow driving machine.

  4. Dude~
    I can't believe the snow you have been blessed with! My kids wish they were there to play with your kids in it! I hope your Christmas is very Merry! Love you guys and miss you too!
